So here I was, a little 9 pound Yorkie, happily purchased by a family... who got home, and after a month of no name, they decided "what the hell, I dont know why I bought a dog, I dont want one". In my opinion its fine and all, if you dont want a pet! Pets arent for everyone, just like kids arent- but why'd they have to go out, BUY me, and then add to the growing population of animals that are put down every year, because of JERKS like them! In fact, my foster mom told me that its estimated to be that four million cats and dogs—about one every eight seconds—are put down in U.S. shelters each year....She says Im one of the lucky ones... But man do I feel sad for all the others.
After my owner decided they didnt want me, or as they referred to me "dog", they passed me around to two more houses in their family before one of them said enough! Thankfully she contacted the rescue organization called Nuts For Mutts ( , they sent out an email asking the fosters if any of them could spare some space in their home for a little Yorkie Dog (at the time they thought I was mixed), and it was Kailey & Corey that came forward willing to foster. They had no picture of me, no description, just a law of attraction to Yorkies since her sister Lindsay has two of them. She couldnt let them say no, even if I was mixed, so on the saturday that I got dropped off, they ran to pick me up so that I would have a place to go, and hopefully a furrever home soon to be on the way!
You tell me. Do I look mixed?! Im a gorgeous purebred, and of course (like all the people who prefer a certain breed, and turn their heads to the reality of the situation) Kailey & Corey CONSTANTLY got asked "oh my gosh, someone gave up a purebred Yorkie?! Look at him! Hes beautiful, I cant believe it" ... HELLO PEOPLE!!!!!!! IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY! In every coutnry, state, city, and every breed is suffering from over population and irresponsible humans who are creating this problem.
Anyways, when Kailey & Corey picked me up, I had been playing with two other dogs, one even had a broken leg, and the people at the shelter said I was great so far (I thought I was on a playdate), Then they leashed me up, sat me in the back seat next to my new aunt Justine, and I got very very very quite. I was confused, nervous, and wondered who the heck was taking me home now, where were the people that I knew?!? I mean come on, Im only 5 months old, and I'd already been through 4 homes, ridiculous! They knew I needed a nameJustine said I looked like a Lewis.... I curiously looked back and forth to all three people in this new car, that I had never met before, and it ended up sticking with me. On the way home, I heard Kailey saying that I wasnt acting like a bad puppy (she assumed I was a tuff cookie since so many families had passed me around, not even bothering to name me), and I decided in that car, I was dead set on proving her right! I would turn out to be an AMAZING dog.
I arrived after 15 minutes, to what I now know as my foster home, and there were two other dogs there! I immediately jumped on them since as a puppy I had this initial desire to PLAY, what better than two other dogs? One of them... was reeeeeaaaallyyy big. Thats my foster sister Roxie and at first (and by that I mean the first 5 minutes) I was a bit afraid of her, but once I got going I never looked back. I ran like the wind around that house, and I would bite my foster sisters ankles to get her to play since she was so tall! It was the only way I could get her attention... my foster brother however, was small and man he didnt like it when I did that to him (it was the only bad habit I picked up)! Kailey would say "Lewis!" very stern, and by the end of the first day I would immediately stop what I was doing, and turn to face her (she said this alot when I would bite their legs :)...) . If I was out of the room when I was called, I would run back in real fast and lay down flat like a rug, because I wanted to show them that I deserved a great name like Lewis, and a great home - so I learned manors and the name quick!
Im an independent little guy sure, but gosh do I like to love too! When Im done playing, or if you go down on your knees and talk baby talk, I will run as fast as I can to leap into your arms to give you kisses, and boy do I kiss hard! I may be small but a few times I knocked my foster mom over and she ended up laughing hysterically while I kissed her all over frantically trying to show her how much I loved her! My favorite game was, and still is, CHASE LEWIS!!! I would steal the big dog's ball (she didnt love that by any means) and then I would run like lightening around the yard and pivot through her legs to trip her up, she would get really mad and bark at me but my foster parents loved it because Bengal would join in, and he was ALMOST as fast as me, he would try to bite my back to get me to stop- I chose to just happily sprint for hours! It was great for bedtime too, we would run inside... the big dog would forget how mad at me she was... and we would all pass out in our favorite spots on the couch or dog beds. It was amazing.
The kids loved me immediately, theyre so awesome to play with, they wanted to keep me that night but everyone knew it was best that they prepare for me. Kailey & Corey knew it was the right fit after spending two hours in my new home. Finally, they took me back to their house to let me sleep my last night away with them. The next afternoon, December 23rd, 2011- equipped with a bright red bow around my neck, Kailey spent a while hugging me (I wanted to play but she kept squeezing me). She was also crying a little in preparation for my new family to come pick me up (since she knew she would keep me if she could). Once again, My foster dad kept saying how awesome my new house was and how much fun I was going to have. He also made a good point, that once again they would be able to save another dog after me through fostering, and he was right. I currently live in my Furever home, and Im already part of the family!
I've kept in touch with them too! I pose for pictures with my little human siblings while my foster mom sends them to Kailey to prove how happy I am. Two days in, and I was snuggling with my foster brother!!! Finally.. my 6th home was a charm, and now I have a routine - with a HUGE family full of love to share my excitement with!!! Quincy is finally keeping me in check, letting me know I'm the puppy and he is the big dog. I plan to live a long happy life with there!